Natural Hair Group

Discover tips and tricks and find incredible support from women committed to having healthy, natural hair.  We get together at different times, so for details and more information on our next meeting, click the button below.

Young Ladies of Purpose

We are bold and courageous, called by God, and living on purpose.  We meet once a month to get poured into by women of honor, and pampered just a little bit.  If you’re between the ages of 10-18, click the button below to join us for this incredible time of encouragement.
One Flesh (Couples)

It takes 3 people to make a successful marriage; a husband, a wife, and God.  Come and discover the benefits of walking in community with other married couples, and learn to develop a stronger relationship with your spouse by increasing your commitment and submission to God.  We meet one Friday each month to fellowship.  For more details, click the link below to join the group.

Friday Morning Bible Study

Come and fellowship with us Friday morning at 10am  till 11:30am!  We study God’s word, minister to each other, share testimonies, and build spiritual friendships.

Looking forward to what God has in store for us.

For more details, click the link below to join the group.

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